Friday, December 7, 2007

Floods and Fish Head Curry

Malaysiakini reported that many unlucky Malaysians are again faced with floods and evacuation.

Almost the same time last year, hundreds of thousands Malaysians celebrated Hari Raya Haji and Christmas in flood relief centres. They awaited help, needed funds, and they lived in uncomfortable conditions for almost a month for the many. And yet, the officiating of a fish head curry restaurant seemed to have mattered more, and needed the premier's attention more than their plights.

Maybe this year, they will be given due attention. Barring any other curry restaurant overseas needing the premier officiating it, that is.

Floods force evacuation of 4,585 people
Dec 8, 07 10:18am

Malaysian authorities said they were concerned floods in three states, which have forced the evacuation of 4,585 people, could worsen as torrential rains pounded the nation.

"There is now a heavy rain warning out for the northern parts of Johor and Pahang state as the rainfall there and the situation may worsen," Deputy Science Minister Kong Cho Ha told AFP.

"People's lives in these areas will be affected and so our advice to them is to monitor the weather warnings and act early when there is a warning," he said.

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