Thursday, December 27, 2007

I'm confused. Were We to Fight it Out?

Another letter from Malaysiakini.

Posted by Truth Seeker.

A message to our Christian leaders Truth-Seeker Dec 24, 07 5:04pm
It is with great sadness I learn that Christian leaders are continuing their “business as usual” attitude despite the terrible injustices happening in our country. The Christian Federation of Malaysia will be holding its Christmas high-tea reception at the Rumah Uskup Agung in Kuala Lumpur on Christmas day. It will be hosted by the Roman Catholic Church’s archbishop of Kuala Lumpur and his guests of honour are Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and his wife.

so..let me get this. Because of the current situation, the Christian Federation shouldn't have invited the Prime Minister to their do? What? The way to solving this is to shun each other? Christians now cannot celebrate Christmas with non-Christians?

Look, despite my comments/views here, one thing that I wouldn't lose sight of, like it or not, is the fact that the man is still the Prime Minister of the country, well, until Malaysians decide otherwise. So, I think the Christian Federation is perhaps, showing a gesture that despite differences, what matters most is to preserve some sense of unity amongst Malaysians, and the Prime Minister is representing all Malaysians here. (as I said, like it or not...) :) So you're saying they shouldn't have invited him?

I think to get your message across, it is best to remain in contact than shun each other!

The letter further went on :

The mainstream media never gave the Hindraf lawyers arrested under the Internal Security Act or any opposition leaders the opportunity to tell their side of the story. Why is it that we Malaysians never ever hear Bersih, Hindraf or opposition leaders speak, not even during election campaigns? What little opportunities these people have to speak are disturbed by raids because police permits were not granted for the occasion. Yet there is no shortage of permits available for BN leaders’ gatherings.

I am all for free for freedom of speech. AND I am not happy with the fact that the the same right to assemble is not given to all Malaysians. But.. rights for Hindraf or Bersih to speak during election campaigns? Err.. have the election campaigns begun? Did I miss the announcement of the same? And even if it has begun and I missed the start, I thought only political parties can campaign under the election regulations? And during the last elections, there was no Hindraf or Bersih.

Truth Seeker further said :
Christian leaders should question why newspapers downplay or neglect to report important news such as the recent amendment to the Federal Constitution to extend the term of Election Commission chairman Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman. Amending the Federal Constitution is a very serious matter. Here, it is being amended for one man and extends beyond a single general election. That in itself begs the question of the next general election’s fairness.

Knowingly or unknowingly, Christian leaders are proliferating this belief that they should speak up against injustices only when it concerns their faith and religion. As a Christian, I know this is not the message preached by Jesus Christ. In fact, Jesus accused such people as hypocrites and “white-washed tombs” that are beautiful on the outside but filled with dead bones inside.

Look. Non-Muslim Malaysians have always at large, shunned the idea of, and get agitated whenever PAS or UMNO talks about the Constitution, laws etc from the Islamic perspective. Or when they raise any issue based on Islamic views. Not too long ago there were even rallies against the announcement that Malaysia is an Islamic state. Now you want Christian leaders to champion causes? Not in the name of Malaysians, but in the name of Christianity? hmmm.

I can agree to that. But fair's fair. We should also then, as Malaysians, allow the ulamaks of Islam to also get into gear and do the same, challenging anything that they think is not right, whilst bearing the Islamic banner. And the Hindu religious leaders too. And the Sikhs. The list goes on.

I don't know about you.. but I think if everyone wants to fight their causes using each own's religious convictions, well.. just picture things ahead. Christians, Muslims, Hindus, wow.. all championing their causes and views on the Constitution, politics etc. When it comes to religion, everyone will get all passionate and fight with conviction, even more flaringly so then with their polictical understandings. Imagine the outcome!

I think we already have enough with politicians disrupting our lives!

Bring back Malaysia as it was.. where people enjoy visiting each other's homes during festive seasons, regardless of race and religion.

P/S : I've always looked forward to my mandarin oranges, ang pows, Kueh Bulan, rendang, muruku, turkeys etc. And attending the various weddings, be it Malay, Hindu, Sikh, Christian weddings. Whatever the celebration, I get an invite, I go. Don't put a stop to that!

1 comment:

Samuel Goh Kim Eng said...

when you lose your guts
You get into a state of rut
You'll be left with your "..but..."
After getting the unkindest cut

(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng
Thur. 27th Dec. 2007.