I think to put an end to all the bickering, all the Herald needs to do is to put things to ease. Much has been written about this, be it on blogs, forums, like the esteemed mykmu.net who have recently “graced” my site, Malaysiakini and the rest.
As highlighted in my previous post, we all have to agree that many other religions or faiths do use “allah” as their reference to their gods, apart from the Muslims, who are more widely known and synonymous with submitting to Allah swt as the Almighty.
But, as Malaysians, you will be much aware of the fact that when it comes to Islam, the Muslims will not tolerate any attempt to cause confusion on the same. So what with the Muslims, many of you will say, if the Muslims are sensitive, let them be. Well, taking that attitude will not get us anywhere.
And more importantly, we should not let the matter go on, and “fought” out by politicians who only have their own interests to serve. UMNO will say they are fighting for Islam, DAP will say they are fighting for the Christians and so forth. Are they all, really?
Look, in the end it will just create animosity amongst us ordinary Malaysians. As if it is not enough that the politicians have tried to play the Indians against the Malays before this, only for their own political mileage. Don’t, don’t let them cause us Malaysians to detest each other. We, the rakyats, will end up the losers. They, the politicians, thump their chests with satisfaction.
This matter can be resolved without any politician championing “the cause”. There is no cause to be championed here. There are just some concerns of misconception, that’s all. Which can easily be put at ease. I believe the Herald will have no qualms in putting a disclaimer in its Malay language section, to the effect that all information, sermon etc in its literature is strictly relating to Christianity and has nothing to do with Islam.
Everyone is free to preach their cause, and nobody would want to be accused of misleading, especially not when one is in pursuit of expanding any faith! What kind of a faith would that be, spreading on the basis of misconception? The Muslims reject in totality the concept of the Trinity. Jesus is accepted by the Muslims only as a prophet, not god. Thus, the Christians, I am sure, will agree that the Christian God, even if called “Allah” in any literature in the Malay language, is not the same “Allah swt” as understood and worshipped by the Muslims. I am sure they do not wish for the people to think that it is, and that they are worshipping the same god. Both are after all, different religions!
Hence, prove Johari wrong! The people behind the Herald should show Johari up, show that they never intended to mislead anyone, let alone the Muslims who are in receipt of their literature, into thinking that the “Allah” that they use and refer to, is the same Allah swt worshipped by the Muslims. That is after all, the case isn't it? So it is just a matter of affirming the same. It would be different if the Herald says otherwise, then well, the Muslims have the right to be concerned!
Many may argue it is a hassle, but it is a small effort, I believe, that will clear the air. A small price, if at all, to maintain the rakyats’ unity. Just a disclaimer printed. That’s all. And especially if the Herald wants to show its sincerity, and is offering a solution. It is being accused of misleading, so show that it’s not.
If the Herald does not want to offer any solution at all, it risks its permit to be revoked forever. Fine, it will for a while win the hearts, the favour of many who think the Herald has been discriminated against, and it will be in the news for a while, but what would that achieve? Its permit will remain revoked, and it can only continue its work in flout of the law. If at all. And whatever for? Especially if they never intended to mislead or confuse anyone? Not wanting to do so would only go on to prove that the Herald intended some confusion. What's there to lose? You are preaching different things, after all. Surely not another march, this time, for the Herald needs to be held?
Try it. Offer this solution, and see if the authorities will budge. If they don’t, then … well, elections are under way. We choose our lawmakers.
Let the politicians find another cause to make noise about. Don’t let them continue to dance to and sing this dangerous tune. Don’t let them risk further incitement and hate amongst us. They love issues like this to enable them to emerge as our saviors. Some savior. But that’s what they do, and do best. They want us to think they are fighting our cause, in the end, ask them to answer honestly, if they can, and the answer is, they are only fighting their own.
We have a choice, either fall for the play and we go on harping on the issue, which can go on and on, or find a solution and have things done and over with. People, lets continue to live in peace and harmony, and try to do whatever we can to maintain so.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
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Fear God who is right rather than man who is wrong
God's eternal truth will prevail and remain strong
Fear not any of the evil one's confused deceptions
God in His wisdom knows what to give as receptions
Happy Boxing (not with gloves but with boxes to collect for charity) Day!
(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng
Wed. 26th Dec. 2007.
What so many want is a God Who walks down the street and says, "Happy Sunday, I am I, follow Me. But God is hidden craftily in His creations so that He is what they are, and they are what He is; and in knowing them, you know Him."
For God is the sum that you cannot find, that resides within you, that is more than anything you can discover
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Go H E R E
I like the idea of a Disclaimer...
I think it all started with some complains to Johari's department... which I presume is Muslims, why would christians complain it anyway.....
quite right, Freethinker.
Notwithstanding the use of the word "Allah" elsewhere around the world, that is associated with Arab-Christians. In malaysia, it is rather different. The majority when "Allah" is mentioned, only think Islam. So the Herald needs to show it has no intent to cause any confusion/mislead Muslims in thinking the reference is to the same, that is the current concern amongst Malaysian Muslims
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